Our office staff has been made aware of several folks from our music department, namely the Choir, who have been exposed to the Covid Virus. 4 of those choir members have tested positive as of today. One who also serves in our sound desk has tested positive also. We continue to hear of others who have tested and are waiting for results.
This is, of course very concerning for your Pastoral Staff. We want you to be safe and protected. With that in mind, there are some changes that have been made for the upcoming weekend experience.
This Sunday, November 22… we will be asking you to make a wise and free decision concerning your family’s attendance IN-HOUSE. It is our heart to be transparent with you concerning those who have tested positive so that you can make an educated and informed choice. There are many different concerns that I know are important to you and your family. Family who is at risk, work environments, and elderly who must be considered. We understand this and want you to have all the information you need!
We will be having service at 9 & 11AM. I have asked Pastor Garry to use a small praise team and band with restrictions for social distancing. We will also be asking that everyone who attends IN-HOUSE will strictly adhere to the guidelines as set forth by the National Center of Disease and Control (CDC). That means wearing masks into the building until you are seated and practicing strict social distancing while in the building including where you choose to sit. Cleaning will be taking place in between services and will be saniitized prior to your entrance. If after these considerations, you feel safe to attend service, we will welcome you for the worship experience and message: “The Marks of the Beast”. If not, please know that we completely understand and will welcome you into our ONLINE SERVICE.
Again – it is our desire that you are fully informed and can make a good and smart decision for you and your family. We will absolutely be broadcasting the service live on SHCOG.COM, Strat APP, FB LIVE, Youtube, and ROKU at 9 & 11AM. Please join us ONLINE if you cannot be IN-HOUSE. AS well, will you please help us pray for these who have tested positive and are sick? Lets touch the throne of God for them and see HIS Mighty Hand of Protection and Healing in Jesus name!! God bless you, we love you and we’ll see you one way or the other this SUNDAY!